Alas, my darling JP gave me a title once again!! Just a little curious as to whether it will enable or prohibit creatively bare my mind...Let's try it out...UPDATE: I ended up completely ignoring it in terms of content so ended up going with an original title. YAY me!!
Thanks to the vigil at my mother's bedside, I happened upon the documentary, "A Surprise in Texas" which is the equivalent to the Met Opera competition film of the same, on for pianists. The world-renown Cliburn competition. As much as I was goose-bumped with the shared victories of those who triumphed through each level and eventually took hope the medals, I was mostly relieved that I'm a singer instead. Nearly all of the top 6 played my favorite Rachmaninoff concertos and I reminisced about my days playing in symphony orchestras accompanying talented singers and instrumentalists. My mother asked me if I missed it. I said 'No.' And I don't miss it. Forgive this slight boast, but I am perfectly content to leave behind my own talent and skill for string instruments. I am grateful for the 20 years that my violin and viola wove together a series of music, travel, rehearsals, concerts, and formalities that formed so much of my growing up and early adult years.
What I don't miss? Sitting for three plus hours playing those dreaded pieces I could care less about. Playing with a suckful group of musicians that wouldn't be able to play Stravinsky even after three months of rehearsals let alone the three days we had. Playing only for a mere paycheck. mom gets a little of her medicine in her and starts these hilarious (not in her right mind, of course) rants based on things she hears and sees on TV. Having just watched David Letterman, she woke up after the lightest of sleep and started talking about how she is an instrumental part of the building of the Ground Zero mosque. Said she'd kept it to herself until now because she wanted to let Donald Trump have is time in the sun...I video'd it...will make for most comedic viewing...maybe I should make a web series out of it..."The Musings of a Sundowner" Okay, okay...maybe just a book. I could even find some other patients who have similar "episodes" and write 'em all down!! That's IT!! Millions, get ready to be made, babeh!! And nobody steal my idea, got it! HAHAHAHA!
So, where was I? Ah yes. What I don't miss about my former symphonic life. The biggest thing I don't miss is playing for singers while wishing it was me standing at the front of the orchestra whispering tempo requests to the conductor. How many times I've practiced my future right-kind-of-diva decorum. Most people would be embarrassed to be caught picking their nose, and so would I, but if someone ever walked in on me shaking invisible hands and singing towards the, likewise invisible, orchestra during a first rehearsal, Id be all too mortified!! If only my mother and my apartment complexes past and present never knew how many times I erected concert halls within their property walls, I think they'd try to commit me!
But you know, I think that's what defines many of the 'made it' stories we hear from those who have ascended to the ranks of fame and good works. They envisioned their greatness far before it ever happened. Hopefully, that's what I'm doing too...
Question of the day: Setting aside the "it hasn't happened yet" part, aren't visions of greatness fun??
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