Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Direction...The Sammie/Julie/Julia Project...

It's Blog Relaunch Day!!!!!

Okay, so I'm an abandoner...I began this blog a year ago upon anticipating my move to Fresno. What I wanted: A courageous tale about a young woman finally reaching her dreams!! What it turned into: Endless droning about the awfulness of central California and my depressing internal state!! BUT!! I now have a plan. On August 14th, I watched the movie Julie & Julia three, no four, times. Coincidentally, I found "The Juile/Julia Project" actually still in its raw form on Read along with me here:

I think Mrs. Powell and I have a lot in common. Well, that is, when she first started her life-altering project. Likewise coincidental, she began on August 25th, 2002. So, eight years later, I link up with JP in an attempt to change my own life with only one simple rule: For every day that she wrote about her journey through the Julia Child cookbook, so shall I write about my quest for full-time operahood.  So no, I won't be cooking, with the intent to write about it, anyway.  I'm a good cook and I love doing so, but here's my take.  My mother is ill. Cancer. "There's nothing we can do." 4-6 months they say. HA! Only GOD has the final say!! Knowing her, she'll be smiling and kickin 4-6 years from now!!! Reality sets back in...

I'm an opera singer. She wanted to be an opera singer. She wants me to be all the opera singer both she and I were/are supposed to be. So, I have the rest of her life to sing my way into some opera grandeur - whether landing a contract, winning mega opera competition(s), encountering a magical moment when that particular career-enabling someone just happens to hear me.  Oh say, during "borrowed" time in a Blair School of Music practice room at Vanderbilt or some other random juncture that would make for good storytelling!

Audition season is upon thousands of singers with the same objective (hopefully without the ailing parent part.) So, applications are going out, new arias and art songs being researched and memorized, cross country treks to lessons are being booked. I'm just going to sing. If they want me, great. If not, don't ask me what I'll do then, but this process is not about that. It's about the one and only opportunity I have to make my mother's final resting pillow plush with the news that her daughter has plenty of places to sing...

Aaaaannnnddd..ACTION!! Buona voce!!

(The one thing I am keeping from the old blog format...) Question of the day: Don't you think it's time to relaunch some things in your life?


  1. You're an amazing person and an awesome singer and sister. If anyone can do this, you can.

    And, my classes start back up tomorrow - does that count for relaunching!? :)

  2. You have totally inspired me to sit down and work on the secret project that I restarted for the 19th time two days ago. I love you!

  3. Oh you know I have relaunched some things in my life. This blog is a great new exercise for you. I will read like a fly on the wall, in anticipation!

  4. Laine - girl, classes are definitely a lauch! Go get that edumacation, sis!

    Audra - glad I could inspire. 19th time is the charm!! Love you too!

    Nick - yes, you are officially a relaucher!! Great new exercise indeed! You're my favoritest fly on the wall :-)

  5. Samantha! I'm excited to get to hear your voice again, both singing and blogging. Looking forward to following your journey, and praying for you!

    -Danielle Ewing Laird

  6. Well, yeah! I hv this love/hate relationship w fashion and so ive been in the hate stage for a while. However, now I feel the love returning and I probably won't be able to shake it, this time. So, thanks to you for adding inspiration to my drought!
    Love ya, girlie and im so proud of you! ;-)
